Full Steam Ahead

Dreamers y Soñadores!
It has been quite a week here in DreamTown. First and foremost, our Kickstarter Fundraiser is in full swing! We’ve received an amazing outpouring of love and support with 47 backers contributing over $3500 towards the completion of the film. We can’t thank everyone enough but there is still a lot of work to be done and only 23 days left in this all-or-nothing campaign!
DreamTown was also featured this week on LatinoSports.com in an exclusive article by Cesar Diaz! (http://bit.ly/DreamTownLatinoSports)
Cesar has been incredibly supportive of this important cause since we met him at the Ecuador vs. Greece match in NYC last month. This article is the first in a series he is writing to showcase our film, El Chota Valley and the efforts taking place to improve the social and economic conditions in the area.
In the meantime, we are planning screenings of the work-in-progress version of the film in cities from New York to Los Angeles! Stay tuned right here for more information as we announce dates and locations so you don’t miss us when we’re in your area!
That’s all for now, but don’t forget to spread the word to all of your friends and families about our fundraiser! Remind them that Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing campaign and their cards will NOT be charged unless our goal is met! August 11th is coming quick and we need all the support we can get!